Language Lab

Language Lab Review

What is language lab.?

➤ A language lab is a dedicated space for foreign language learning where students access audio-visual materials.

Advantages of language lab review

* Overcoming Shyness, the use of language learning system encourage learner to talk freely and loose their inhibitions when talking in front of their peers. Lab system tends to make students more anonymous.

*Immediate knowledge of results, it is observed that one method of arranging the tape aims at achieving knowledge of result.

*Attention of the individual learner, as language lab allows the learner to listen to the program stimulus individually. Each individual learner's attention is focused on the program material being studied.

* Self pacing, the learners may work though the lesson material at a pace suited to their ability. The language lab is a personal tutor for them.

* Between laboratory session the teacher can scrutinize student's performances on tape, at his lesuire and be in a position to advice student how to avoid persistent errors before next session.

Disadvantages of Language Laboratory:
* It requires electricity for its operation which might be a limiting factor, lack of constant power supply is a major problem facing the language lab utilisation power failure obviously will have a disruptive effect on its utilisation.

* Special training on the part of the teacher is essential the teacher has to undergo some training on how to handle the lab teaching effectively.

* It requires special personnel for its upkeep and maintenance it does not require everybody rather it require those who will be educated in the field.

This are the advantages and disadvantages of the language lab.

Thank You...


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