Topic:- Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertisement...
Name:- Ekta Jayswal
Class:- M.A.[SEM:- 4]
Roll No:- 11
Paper No.15:- Mass Media & Communication
Enrollment No:- PG2069108420180027
Batch:- 2017/19
Email Id:-
Submitted to:- Dr. Dilip Barad
S.B.Gardi English Department [M.K.B.U.]
Words:- 1794
# What are advertisements?
The term, 'advertising' has been derived from the Latin word Adverto which means to drive the attention towards something.
Advertising involves the preparation of written or oral messages and their dissemination through paid media without personal contacts for their purpose of making people aware of and inclined towards the use of a particular product of that firm or company.
# The main characteristics of advertisementsare as follows:-
Advertising is a non-personal form or presentation because there is no face to face contact with the consumers of the product.
It is a paid form of communication as the advertiser has to pay for the space or time hired by him for the purpose of advertising.
It is done by an identified sponsor. It is always done on or for the behalf of somebody called sponsor.
It can be oral, written or visual.
It is done through medias such as press, video, television, cinema, internet etc.
The basic function of advertising to is to raise the demand for the particular product.
Advertising is a basic form of mass communication as the advertisements are aimed at the large number of people.
Advertising id different from publicity as it takes place throughout the life time of a firm or the product.
#Digital Media & Advertisement...
Digital media has expanded advertising from traditional print, radio and television options. There are advantages and disadvantages inherent in using each advertising mode.
#Print Advertising
Print ads are anything printed. This includes an ad in a newspaper, magazine, direct mailer, school newsletter or church weekly. Print advertising is a traditional advertising venue that businesses can use to microtarget a specific demographic or reach a widespread audience.
A key advantage of print is that, in general, the market has a longer attention span and reads through material completely. This means they spend more time looking at your product or service if the ad does a good job of catching their attention. Print also offers the opportunity for companies to advertise in a range of budgets, small and large. A school's newsletter ad is much less expensive than a national magazine layout.
A disadvantage of print is the limited reach is has compared to other avenues. While smart campaigns target demographics to buyers, using print exclusively eliminates potential buyers who might find you in another advertising method with a wider reach.
# Radio and Television
Radio and television is a dynamic method of advertising. Businesses are able to tell a story in 15-, 30- and 60-second spots. Catchy jingles and catchphrases engage audiences across a wide demographic. These are all advantages. Radio is less expensive than television and both have the ability to target local or national audiences.
Radio and television commercials are daunting to produce and usually more expensive than other advertising methods. Finding the sweet spot for distribution times and channels to hone in on the desired audience also can be expensive. Plus, the modern era of streaming television gives viewers the ability to skip commercials entirely.
# Digital Media
Digital media advertising includes search engine ads and sponsorship ads on targeted websites. Businesses are able to work with various marketing budgets of all sizes. Digital formats are more forgiving than print and television and require less costly graphic design and production costs. The ability to create campaigns quickly and inexpensively allows businesses to split-test different ads to find the top converting ones.
A major disadvantage of digital media ads is competition. When it comes to search engines, the major brands bought keywords that get the most views from the target market. This makes reaching the desired audience difficult despite all efforts to target specific groups.
# Social Media
Social media advertising comes in many forms, depending on the social media site itself. While being less expensive than other forms of marketing, these promotions can easily pinpoint the exact demographic a business is trying to reach. The quick turnover and fluid concept of social media make this type of advertising ideal for small and independent businesses.
Social media advertising is so easy and inexpensive that it's tempting to overdo it. Too many ads on the same site can create a condition known as ad blindness, in which the ads become like wallpaper and readers completely ignore them.
# Objectives and functions of advertisements
*To create demand:
Advertising is aimed at stimulating a demand for a particular product by making people aware of the new products and the existing uses of the old products. It attracts attention, creates interest and arouses desire among the consumers.
* To face competition:
Advertising is designed to face new competition. it seeks to develop loyalty towards the advertised brand and to build up permanent customers. it wins over the confidence of the customers in the quality of the advertised products.
* To build goodwill:
Well planned advertising programs build goodwill for the enterprise and its products. Advertising enhances the image and prestige of the advertiser by highlighting the benefits of the products and services.
* To support salesman:
Advertising creates awareness about the merits and demerits of advertised products. By describing the unique features and use of products, repeated buying is encouraged. Advertised goods enjoy a ready market and little sales efforts is required for them. Dealers are always willing to deal in such stocks of goods.
* To educate customers:
Advertising provides useful information about the uses and features of the products. it educated customers in buying better functional goods.
* To eliminate middleman:
Advertised products enjoys recognition and acceptance from public. A direct link is created between the producers and the customers. Advertising reduces the need of an middleman for selling goos that reduces the retail price of that commodity.
*To improve living standards:
Advertising creates a better desire for a better living.It stimulates hard work and improve th standard of living of the people. If you are aspired to buy a nano car, you shall definitely work hard towards it to achieve your goal.
* To introduce new products:
Advertising is very helpful in launching a new product and making it popular in the market. It helps to convince the consumers about the superiority of a new product over the competitive products already existing in the market.
*Economies of scale:
Advertisements also allow the producers to increase the volume of production which in turn increases the benefits they get from production in large scale. It is a fact that if we buy th things in bulk, we get it a cheaper rate. The same thing is also applicable in production process. We can also eliminate middleman such as wholesalers that reduces the cost for the consumers by reducing the profit margin. Commercial Banks also grant loans to such firms whose products are advertised.
* Goodwill:
If a particular cosmetic company uses an actress or actor to advertise the products of its brand, it shall definitely develop a reliability for its products. The public shall trust that company and its products which in turn shall increase the valuation of the goodwill and the image of the firm. It helps the firm to face strict competition during the business conditions of depression when all the consumers develop a mistrust against a particular product.
* Employee morale:
When the employees know that the products if a firm are advertised and have developed sufficient trust in the public, they shall be assured that their jobs are safe and they shall receive bonuses on account of profits made by the firm. It also enhance the qualities of a good salesman.
# Criticisms of advertising
Higher prices: Advertisements today involve huge expenditure thereby increasing the cost of distribution. Manufactures and traders charge higher prices from the consumers to cover up their cost.
Artificial living: Advertising amplifies the need of people ad encourages wasteful consumption. It persuades people to buy which they do0 not need or cannot afford. People are even encouraged to buy products that are harmful for their health like cigarettes, alcohols etc.
Misleading: Advertising is often deceptive and misguides consumers. Exaggerated and false claims are made in the advertisements. Bogus testimonials and other questionable means are used to sell goods. Here is where the joint stock companies spend huge amounts on advertising to kill new and potential concerns.
Wastage of national resources: Role of industries in Indian economy is incomparable. Manufacturers create trivial and artificial differences in the products to develop brand loyalty through advertising. The natural resources, capital requirements and labor that go into production amount to wastes as these could be better employed in the creation of new industries. Here, the public enterprises help the economy to save the natural resources as there is very less competition between the public enterprises.
Unethical: Many advertisements are highly objectionable because they undermine values and ethics. Vulgar advertisements like that of Axe offend public decency and encourage materialism in the society. It is also shocking that the television ministers allow such advertisements to be published. It is definitely an example of Corruption in India. We should thank god that soon the Jan Lokpal bill will come into force.
Impulsive Buying:
It creates unnecessary needs. People are emotionally forced to buy the products. Sometimes, it instigates people to buy unnecessary products.
Materialist Implications:
It promotes materialism. It makes people mad after things, whether useful or not.
Fraud to Customers:
It has misleading/deceptive implications. Most claims are exaggerated. Advertising has a little truth and a lot false.
Erotic, Unrealistic and Exaggerated:
It is difficult to justify the company’s claims made in advertisement. Some claims or appeals are completely baseless. Advertising appeals related to biscuits, tonic foods, and herbal and pharmaceutical products are far from reality. Some advertisements are so vulgarly presented that have only erotic appeal than commercial.
It is erroneous to believe that advertisement is always useful to customers. In most cases, it benefits only to advertisers, sometimes, even at a cost of buyers.
Creation of Monopoly:
Effective advertising campaign creates permanent place for certain brands in the market. It blocks the entry of other competitors. Monopoly always has ill-effect on buyer’s interest.
Compulsion to Customers to View, Read or Hear:
It is a disturbance to people. Advertising carries nuisance value. People are not interested to watch, read or hear commercial ads, but they have to do it.
Source of Confusion and Stress:
Due to over bombarding of advertising on different mass media, people are confused and feel stress in regard to selection of products.
Entertaining or boring? Inspirational or manipulative? You decide!
Thank You...
Well worked on the topic ..... Keep going .. interesting one
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