Learning experience: Balaji Ranganathan...
On 14 to 16 September, 2018; We have attended three days guest lectures by Prof. Balaji Ranganathan Sir at our Department of English about Postcolonial study.
In these three days, he has covered all four units:-
i) Black Skin White Mask
ii) Orientalism by Edward Said
iii) A Tempest
iv) Imaginary Homeland
Balaji Sir get disappointment from all of us.. because he had expectation from all the students that we might reading original texts but in reality not even a single student raise thier hand about reading the original text... That time we felt shame because Sir is coming from far away for teaching to us. But what can we do in this semester system??? we don't have enough time to read original text. Sir forced that we have to read original text first, not read the summary for further study. But it's not possible to read all original books...
# On the very 1st Day,
14th September, Balaji Sir had taught us Black skin white mask by Frantz Fanon. He taught the unit with very uniqueness. He said that white man sealed in his whiteness and black man sealed in his blackness. He said that your colour is biological, So you are observed by not your skin but by your culture.If you can not understand biological,you can not understand the cultural.
On 15th september he taught Orientalism by Edward Said and A Tempest by Aime Cesaire.He explained the unit Orientalism very well and provide some good information about India 's condition before independence and after independence. He said that orient helps to define yourself. He said that this is specific era of study in which people like to learn not material but want to be academic.He explained A Tempest very shortly and provide basic information about it. He suggested to read original A Tempest.
He identify difference between The Tempest and A Tempest very interestingly.
# Unique technique preparing for Competitive exams like NET /SET...
Sir has also told very appropriate way to preparing for NET/SET exams.He said,collect the Database of 5000 Questions still there is less possibility for asking 1 question out of the 5000 questions.Solve all the questions and find your knowledge. He suggested to read original history book and tries to remember it. Or be aware about what we know or what we don't.
# On 3rd Day...
On 16th september he taught us Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie.
Here he clear first the idea about nation and state. Then he explained diaspora in detail and it's connection with Imaginary Homeland.
He gave 3 version of desire and conflict.
1.Approach - Approach conflict(+ +)
2. Approch - Avoidance conflict(+ -)
3. Avoidance - Avoidance conflict(- -)
2. Approch - Avoidance conflict(+ -)
3. Avoidance - Avoidance conflict(- -)
Thank You...
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