Breath - a Play

Interpretation Challenge: Breath: The Shortest Play by Samuel Beckett...

###Breath - a Play........

Breath is a play written by Samuel Beckett in the 1969. It considered as a smallest play ever written. It is only about 30 second play. It also considered as experimental play. This play can be interpretated many ways. The play consider as absurd play. Here I tried to interpretate play.

###Script of the Play:-


1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.

2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.

3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds.


This script of play also consider as a script of life. The time of play 30 seconds shows that  how time fastly passes.

we can say that Samuel Beckett has presented the real concept of life. A concept of absurdity or meaninglessness.

#The concepts of the play:-





When we watch the play, we feel like what is this and what to interpretate from this? But there is something to interpretate from this also. In the play we cannot find any settings or any character but only we can hear is the inhalation and expiration of breath. Everyday we inhale and exhale while breathing but we don’t try to see the possible interpretation of it as Samuel Beckett does.

The nothingness remains at the center of the play. The cry and the sigh show that though we achieve so many things in our life at the end of our life we have to leave everything by our death. The ultimate goal of our life is only death. And so there is no difference whether you have achieved anything or not. We can say so many things with this play. While watching the play we also feel nausea kind of feelings. If we compare the beginning and the end of the play, when we start watching the play we listen a cry which represents the child. The sigh may be the grown up person and again the cry means gain the child. So if we connect these dots then we can say that this cycle of life and death will go on consecutively.

The play is all about nothingness of life, meaninglessness of life. Life is nothing but waste of time. Life is garbage...

Thank You...


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