Task: An Ideal Teacher & An Ideal Student...

In ELT class, we got task to write our opinion about:- 
How a teacher should be? & How a student should be? 
Here,is my opinion about following questions:

*** An Ideal Teacher:-

According to me,an ideal teacher is the mirror through which an ideal student can see his or her future...

An ideal teacher is just like a candle which consumes itself to light the way for others.


An ideal teacher is one who was free from all kind of bias and prejudice. Teacher should never ever try to build up such a frame of mind which tends to consider students as their enemies for any reasons whatsoever.


Teacher should remain calm and composed in dealing with the students and must try to understand the logic of the student. Teacher should share thoughts with the students,but sharing thought is not an easy task because the teacher needs to be sophisticated, rational and up to-date in various intellectual fields irrespective of the subject which he/she taught.

Feeling Free:-

Teacher should try to feel the pulse of the students. Students should be encouraged to ask question whether the question is logical or illogical or relevant or irrelevant.


Teacher is the role model of many young budding talents. It is the teacher whose character and attitude reflects the future of the students.

*** An Ideal Student:-

Acvording to me, An ideal student is someone who is thirsty for knowledge. An ideal student is not perfect or faultless,but an ideal student must be attentive and committed to understand and learn fully.

An ideal student is more intelligent, bright, skillful and progressive and must have respect for  his teachers and is helpful and friendly to his class-fellows.


They are the pillars of a nation and future of the country.  An ideal student becomes a model citizen, politician, doctor, engineer, policy maker and a brave leader.

An ideal student develops good habits. He is always punctual and does the right things at the right time. He does all things with concentration, devotion and sincerity.They l accepts the truth and always engages themselves in adventures and discoveries.

He respects his teachers but never afraid of them.he will have the courage to admit his ignorance and ask for advice and directions...

Thank You...



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